Having used the wonderful power of mobile phone texting to connect, we quickly found Artur at a bus stop in Sejny (despite getting confused by the one hour time change when we crossed the border) and headed off towards the point where Poland, Russia (in the form of its exclave, Kaliningrad) and Lithuania meet. First, however, there were a couple of geocaches I wanted to find. These were of especial interest as they were FTF ("first to find") opportunities - having been placed in August of 2006 and unfound as of yet. The best maps we had were old Soviet era black and white topographical maps georererenced and displayed on my laptop connected to a GPS receiver on the roof of the car. Some of the tracks on those maps were dubious at best.
As we approached the turn off the main road we planned to take to locate the first of these caches we were stopped by the Polish Border Patrol. So here we were - me driving - a resident of Canada, travelling on a UK passport in a Latvian registered car close to the Poland/Russia/Lithuania border. Obviously highly suspicious. I am so glad we had Artur with us at this point since he was our only Polish speaker and was able to ensure all parties understood each other. They took my passport and the car's papers (not the other fellows' though - was I worried?) back to their vehicle to check while we all got out and stood around at the top of a very windy hill - but it was a nice sunny day so we could enjoy the view. Eventually my papers were returned with no issues and we were on our way. However, our way happened to be to turn down the farm track immediately at the spot where we had been stopped, in a direction leading right towards the border. We certainly expected to be chased after - but we were not.
Anyway, we found that cache and another FTF opportunity in the area and so we then headed off to the tripoint.
The tripoint is only about 200m from the main road and clearly open for access - up as far as the fence. The fence is new since Jan's previous visit and unfortunately, although it ended only about 40m from the tripoint itself, was sufficient to discourage me from running over to do the run around the tripoint marker itself, thereby robbing me of an LTRU border crossing (I picked up a PLRU a short time later - see upcoming pics).
Closer view of the tripoint. If you compare this photo with those on Jan's site it would appear that the Russian border marker is still located on Lithuanian territory. There is also, now, a fence approaching the tripoint from the Polish side - it does not seem to have much practical purpose but might, perhaps, delineate the internal Polish municipal border that make this a quadripoint as well.
Big notice saying you could no go closer than 5m from the border. You could hardly say you hadn't spotted it!! However, it also says you can't take photos of the border area or of the land beyond it - so having broken one rule already maybe I shouldn't have worried so much.
And some nice touristy stuff.
The whole display board.
This is a view along the Russia (left), Lithuania (right) border - looking north.
This is the view along the Poland (left), Russia (right) border - looking west.
This is a view along the Lithuania (left), Poland (right) border - looking east.
Zoomed in on Russia/Lithuania.
Looking back at the tripoint from where I was considering making a run for it.
Looks close? Not when the camera is not zoomed in! It was just not worth the risk!
Artur (right) and me in front of the tripoint.
Jan and Artur in front of the tripoint.
Me taking one of those other photos (photo courtesy of Jan Krogh)
So - no border crossing happened there - but Jan figured that if we drove a short distance to the west there was a village with a track that led right up to the Russian border.
He was right - that's Russia over there.
There is a path leading up from the road to the border line, and a broken fence at the top of it. Off I head. (Photo courtesy of Jan Krogh)
And there, just a few metres away - an opportunity for a PLRU crossing.
Made it -(and back again safely) - me in Russia. (Photo courtesy of Jan Krogh)
Along the border line to the east - Russia on the left.
OK - now it's off to have some lunch and check out the border with Belarus.
Get out the tripod for a "team photo" (I really must wash that car with its Estonian dirt on it!).
Navigating our way to the BYLTPL was fun but with the laptop and the Soviet era topo maps connected to the GPS we eventually found our way to within 1km of the tripoint which Jan had previously recorded the position of on his handheld GPSr. We stopped the car once the forest tracks became too challenging for the VW and proceeded on foot through the woods. The spring flowers were just starting to appear on the forest floor - this is really one of my favourite times of year to be in the woods - before all the bugs are out and while you can still see through the trees before there are too many leaves on them. Anyway, we were following Jan's GPSr along the top of a ridge when I looked down and said "That looks like a Belorussian border marker" (it being green and red and all). Oops - it looks like Jan's coordinates might have been for a border marker further south than the tripoint (1788 perhaps - see his website). So we scrambled down the hill and were met with a significantly different vista than what Jan had encountered on his previous trip. Of course the undergrowth was much less (that having been later in the year) but, more than that, there was some major construction going on along the BYPL border to demarcate it more clearly as well as to ensure that the river's boundaries were not going to change. In retrospect we were lucky we had gone on a Saturday since had it been a weekday there would probably have been construction crews working there and we would have had great difficulty investigating the tripoint.
This tripoint is in the middle of the river and the river was reasonably full so, without wading gear, we could not attempt a circuit of the point itself - we confined ourselves to the BYPL bank of the river for our photographs and exploration.
Ah - that's where it is - temporarily removed for construction to take place.
This is looking south along the Belarus (left), Poland (right) border towards BM 1788 (pictured on Jan's website linked to earlier).
To give a better impression of the work being done on the river bank I took this series of photos going anti-clockwise - this one is looking towards the BYPL border - you can see the PL marker on the ground.
Round to the left a bit looking along the line of the Lithuania (left), Belarus (right) border - tripoint in the middle of the river.
Meanwhile Jan is taking a photo of me taking the last photo, while standing safely in Poland.
We then headed back to the car, drove out to the surfaced roads (grounding out the rental car a bit on the way causing some minor consternation when the engine warning light came on and didn't go off again for at least 75km), said our farewells to Artur at the bus-stop in Giby, and Jan and I headed back to Vilnius. We got back to Vilnius safely, depsite my getting a 50 Lats "pay on the spot" speeding ticket on the way for doing 110km in a 90 km zone - open straight road - definite ticket bait territory - (thanks Jan for talking them down from 100 Lats), and found one more FTF geocache in Vilnius before picking up Jan's car. But all was not simple - his car had a flat tyre when we got back and I disappeared off (thinking I was following him whereas it was someone else with a similar car) - but with the power of the mobile phone we reconnected so we could go to the petrol station together, fill up, get my rental car washed (finally!!) and I could head off to Riga where I was to stay the last night before catching my plane. However, warning - avoid Riga hotels on a Saturday night - they are full of drunken Brits who have come to the "stag party capital of Europe" on super cheap flights from the likes of Ryanair. Not a pretty sight and makes me want to hide my UK passport :(
Thanks Jan and Artur for the company - it was a great day - one I shall never forget, made all the better by doing it with you guys. Looking forward to the next expedition!!