Saturday 10 May 2008


Heading back to Brussels after staying the night in Luxembourg I first explored a rather interesting open mining area that had been turned back into a nature reserve and then went to explore the BEFRLU tripoint. There is apparently a new border marker on the LU side. This is a rather ugly place compared with the beauty of the BEDELU spot. The following 2 videos include my approach, visiting the tripoint itself, and driving completely around it. Being a wet tripoint it is not practical to do the 3 country run so I thought this was the next best thing.

Here first is the Google map of the area.

View Larger Map

The first video starts with me coming from LU along the E44 (LU 5), turning north onto the 51 which becomes the 804 on entering BE. I go round the roundabout and back to the tripoint.

The higher quality version is on YouTube

On leaving the tripoint I go south on the 51, east on the E44, enter FR and then turn north onto the N18, up to the roundabout and then east onto the d46b back to the earlier roundabout which again I go right around and exit back westwards.

The higher quality version is on YouTube

This is the last entry in my blog for this trip.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Hugh, I sure have enjoyed reading through your blog, so much so that I mentioned it on my blog, Twelve Mile Circle. I notice you haven't updated it in awhile, and hope you get a chance to upload another batch of adventures sometime soon. Best of luck with your border adventures!